Our Story
🧶 Cotton Rack is a 9 year old woman led, institutionally funded business from India which focuses on minimal eco-friendly and ethical practices to create minimal designs in hand spun natural textiles. We, also, actively work in social impact sector towards sustainable development in fashion and textiles in collaboration with various governmental and non-governmental institutions.
Cotton Rack products are
🌳 aritsanal & handcrafted with love by Indian artisanal community.
🌳 hand spun yarns are naturally breathable and more absorbent.
🌳 natural and skin-friendly.
🌳 has near zero-carbon footprint.
🌳 minimally designed keeping you and your comfort in mind.
🌳 highly customisable in sizes and colours at no extra cost.
🌳 made to be heirloom grade i.e. your garbs last longer.
🌳 made to never go out of fashion.
We strive to create products that are inclusive and positively affects the lives of the wearer, the maker and the environment. 😇
👋 We are a no fuss, friendly bunch that believes in straight talk and maximum transparency. Feel free to start a conversation with us for custom sized garments, our story or life in general.
About Rayil Kul Associates Pvt. Ltd.
Cotton Rack is a clothing brand owned by Rayil Kul Associates Private Limited. Rayil Kul is a Kashmiri noun for Cedar Tree (Rayil: Cedar; Kul: Tree) which is an embodiment of our moto- to aim higher than the highest just like a Cedar Tree. Rayil Kul Associates Private Limited was set up with an aim of creating socially impactful businesses that operate in ethical work environments and build a community of conscious humans for a better future.