A Timelapse of Handloom Weaving on Pitloom

The duration of this time-lapse video is around 30 seconds, which is shortened down from roughly 45 minutes of weaving that resulted in around half a meter of sampling fabric. And this is only the weaving part minus rest of the steps like- sowing, cultivation, harvesting, cleaning, hand-spinning, dyeing, warping and planning, followed by this recording. Then comes the cleaning and post-processing, design thinking, pattern making, tailoring, finishing, packing and then finally presenting it to you in a show, shop and or on a website. And let's not forget all the transportation, liasoning, accounting and other minor stuff on the way. Imagine all this effort for every garb that is made, repeated several times over a period of more than a year to get you that one 'simple' and authentic dress. Imagine all the man-hours and resources put into each creation. In future, I'd try to expand on this with the best possible clarity to be able to appreciate the craft, for now, a simple humble request- Let's not undermine all of it by asking a deceivingly harmless question- yeh itna mehenga kyun hai? Why is it so expensive? Probably, a better question would be- how is it made?

You can view our work here.

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Handspun Garbs

All Cotton Rack womenswear clothing in one place.
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